Adventure Master (1984)(CBS Software) **missing** | stu hammer has this, need to convince him to dump it Aero (1984)(BMB compuscience) | sopwith hack **missing** Algebra Plus Volume I (1984)(Stone & Associates) ISBN=STONE0001 PC Compatible 3.5Floppy **missing** ArithMATIC: Subtraction (1984)(Compu-Teach, Inc.) [Educational] Baseball (1984)(Imagic) | mentioned here Bermuda Race (1984)(Howard W. Sams & Co Inc) | **missing** reviewed in home computer magazine, sept 1984 Blackjack (1984)(Wayne Hammond and IBM) | **missing** Bristles (1984)(First Star) | mentioned here Computer Crosswords, vol. 2 (1984)(Softie Incorporated) DOS **missing** Curse of Crowley Manor (1984)(Adventure International) [Adventure, Interactive Fiction] | doubt this exists for PC Dnieper River Line (1984)(Avalon Hill) [Strategy] | +=Avalon Hill 1984 catalog p14 /// IBM, 64K - Cat# 41754 Dreadnoughts (1984)(Avalon Hill) - NOT the EGA 1992 game of the same name by Turcan Research | Avalon Hill) - NOT the EGA 1992 game of the same name by Turcan Research Drelbs (1984)(Synapse) | mentioned here Dungeons of Magdarr (1984)(Aardvark) [Role-Playing (RPG)] | +=Compute! 047 p89 /// IBM PC, disk $24.95 Engeeners (1984)(Davil Bowlke) {Logic} **missing** | likely "engineers" and lkely david bowlke Flip & Flop (1984)(First Star) **missing** Football (1984)(Imagic) **missing** | mentioned here Full Count Baseball (1984)(Lance Haffner Games) **missing** booter Game of Chaos (1984)(Mike Watkins) {Arcade} **missing** Genesis (1984)(Datasoft) **missing** | mentioned here Ghana Bwana - - i think is only for the tandy CoCo. (1984)(Tandy-SRB Software) Gumby (1984)(Datasoft) | **Missing** Heathcliff (1984)(Datasoft) | **Missing** Heckle and Jeckle (1984)(Datasoft) **Missing** Heroism in the Modern Age: Project Contact Scenario 1 (1984)(Pacific Infotech Corp.) Hi-Res Computer Golf 2 (1984)(Avant-Garde) [Sports] | +=Electronic Fun W/Computer Games Nov.'83 105 /// IBM PC $34.95 Investigating Electric Fields (1984)(IBM) Jawbreaker (1984)(Sierra) **missing** | mentioned here Leisure, Family, & Education (1984)(T-Maker Company) DOS **missing** Mancopter (1984)(Datasoft) | **Missing** Mars (1984)(Aardvark) [Adventure] | +=Compute! 047 p89 /// IBM PC, disk $24.95 Meridian III (1984)(Datasoft) | **Missing** Mig Alley Ace - (1984)(MicroProse) Mission- Algebra (1984)(DesignWare) ISBN=45445-40109 PC Compatible 5.25 Floppy *C64 only? **missing** Murder by the Dozen (1984)(CBS Software) Music Maestro (1984)(Springboard) New York Times Computer Crossword Puzzles by Computer Crosswords, vol. 2 (1984)(Softie Incorporated) DOS **missing** Nibbler (1984)(Datasoft) **missing** | mentioned here Picnic Paranoia (1984)(Synapse) **missing** | mentioned here Pooyan (1984)(Datasoft) | **Missing** Pyramid (1984)(Aardvark) [Adventure] | +=Compute! 047 p89 /// IBM PC, disk $24.95 Quest (1984)(Aardvark) [Adventure] | +=Compute! 047 p89 /// IBM PC, disk $19.95 Railroad Works (1984)(Thunder Mountain) **missing** Reading Comprehension Skills 3 (1984)(American Educational Com) ISBN=AMEDU0002 pPC Compatible 5.25 Floppy *atari only? **missing** Relax (1984)(Synapse) ISBN=SYNAP0031 PC Compatible 5.25 Floppy Cassette *not really a game **missing** safe-cracker (1984)(computence) | Sands Of Egypt (1984)(Datasoft) **Missing** Save New York (1984)(Creative) **missing** | mentioned here Shadowkeep (1984)(Telarium-trillium) | Existance unproven, although I have an ad for it Story Maker (1984)(Sierra On-Line) | missing, possibly not for PC at all, but we're keeping an eye out for it. T.A.C. - Tactical Armor Command (1984)(Avalon Hill) [Strategy] | +=Avalon Hill 1984 catalog p15 /// IBM, 64K - Cat# 46054 tales of Adventure northwoods - adventure in the micro zone (1984)(Scholastic) **missing** Test, The (1984)(Unknown Inc) {Arcade} | **missing** Track & Field (1984)(Atarisoft) | existence has not been confirmed, but we'll put it here just in case. Upn'down (zh) (1984)(sega, soft-world) Winning Deal (1984)(Hewlett-Packard) DOS **missing** Wizard Of Words (1984)(Advanced Ideas Inc.) ISBN=46008-04000 PC Compatible 5.25 Floppy **missing** World Class Backgammon (1984)(IBM - John E. Hoel) **missing**